What are the symptoms of a caffeine withdrawal headache? It depends on the timing. The location of a migraine and a caffeine withdrawal headache are similar Before we jump the gun and take migraine medication or try something else to abort the episode, we need to ensure that we are not experiencing caffeine withdrawal, which could simply be aborted with a regular amount of caffeine. The next day, we therefore wake up with a blistering headache and, we think we are experiencing a migraine. Sometimes, as migraine sufferers, we are traveling or the day just gets away from us and we simply forget to drink our usual amount of coffee. Could be the coffee or change in your daily routine. The culprit behind the headache can be a change in our routine Not feeling well. If we seek to reduce caffeine consumption, then a gradual approach represents the best way to go. Suddenly then starting to drink one cup of coffee is likely to cause a caffeine withdrawal headache. If, for example, you are used to drinking three cups of coffee every day and you have being doing so for several years, chances are good that your body will not appreciate any deviation from that pattern. Caffeine withdrawal will affect the majority of coffee drinkers at some point
#Caffeine withdrawal headache how to
Let’s review what the differences are and how to distinguish between the two. However, the symptoms of a caffeine-induced withdrawal headache can sometimes be misread as a migraine, especially early on in the migraine cycle. We have become accustomed to self-diagnosing at every turn of our existence. As migraine sufferers, we are acutely familiar with headache pain.